Please register before logging in.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail containing a link to verify after registering.
We only use your e-mail address to verify you as a user of the chat system (to prevent fraudulent sign-ups) and to advertise the chat service to you. After registering you will be sent a confirmation email including a link which you must click on to verify your chat account. This email is sent manually but will be with you as soon as possible, however if you do not verify registration within 7 days your signup will be cancelled. You will be able to register again after this time. You can request the email to be sent more than once if you do not receive it.
Racist chat, abusive behaviour towards A1Radio staff or other chatters and prolific swearing will not be tolerated.
Public and private chat is recorded for the protection of all users and the potential amusement of A1Radio staff.